Friday, November 5, 2010

Running Around, Check

All that running around last minute stuff that I have had 8 months to do is now complete. A quick trip into town for just a few last minute purchases went off without a hitch.

Now I am back at home looking at all my stuff laid out on my bed with Elton John's Your So Static cranked up loud contemplating anything else I might be missing. I don't think there is anything! Wow, in 48 hours I am going to be getting on a plane in Vancouver to begin my adventure! only 18 hours or so left at home. I am vibrating from excitement!

One last dinner at home, a sleep, ferry ride, lunch, dinner at my grandparents, a sleep, breakfast and off to the airport! I have just entered that time before a trip where you cant really think straight. It is awesome.

Thats all for now, maybe one more post from North America, then it will be Europe!!


  1. Wow Graham this all sounds so exciting! I hope you have a blast over there and enjoy it to it fullest in every way possible! Good Luck!

  2. I am having a lot of fun already!!

